Deloitte Rehire Policy

Deloitte Rehire Policy 2023

Deloitte Rehire Policy

The Deloitte re`hire policy allows individuals who have left the firm for various reasons to be considered for reemployment. Whether an individual left Deloitte to pursue personal interests, gain industry experience, or explore different career paths, the rehire policy offers a chance to come back and contribute to Deloitte’s projects and initiatives. Former employees who wish to rejoin can leverage their prior knowledge of the firm’s culture, processes, and clients to quickly integrate and make valuable contributions.

Can we rejoin Deloitte after resignation ?

Yes, it is possible to rejoin Deloitte Tech after leaving the company. Deloitte recognizes the value of experienced professionals and provides opportunities for former employees to return. However, the rehiring process and eligibility criteria may vary depending on factors such as the nature of previous employment, time since termination, performance history and the availability of relevant positions within the organization.

Requirements for Rehiring

To be eligible for rehire at Wipro, former employees must meet specific requirements. Some of the requirements include:

  1. Good Standing: The employee must have left the organization on good terms, with no disciplinary or performance issues.
  2. Relevant Skills: The employee must possess the necessary skills and experience required for the position they are applying for.
  3. Timeframe: There is a specific timeframe within which former employees must apply for re-employment. This timeframe may vary depending on the position and location.
  4. Availability: The employee must be available to work in the location and shift required for the position.

How does Deloitte Rehire Policy work?

Deloitte has developed a comprehensive rehire policy to provide opportunities for former employees who wish to rejoin the organization. The Deloitte Rehire Policy outlines the process and criteria for considering and evaluating individuals who have previously worked at Deloitte and are interested in returning. Here’s how the Deloitte Rehire Policy generally works:

  1. Eligibility Criteria: Deloitte has specific eligibility criteria that individuals must meet to be considered for reemployment. These criteria may vary based on factors such as the nature of the previous employment, the time since leaving Deloitte, the individual’s performance history, and the availability of relevant positions within the firm.
  2. Application Process: Former employees interested in rejoining Deloitte are typically required to go through the application process. This involves updating their resume to reflect their experiences and accomplishments during their time away from Deloitte. They may also need to complete an online application form and provide any additional information or documentation required by the firm.
  3. Screening and Evaluation: Once the application is submitted, Deloitte’s HR team reviews the candidate’s profile and evaluates their suitability for rehire. This evaluation process may include considering factors such as the individual’s prior performance, skills, experience, and alignment with the available positions within the firm.
  4. Interviews and Assessments: Depending on the specific role and circumstances, rehires may be invited for further interviews, assessments, or discussions to assess their fit for the role and their potential contributions to Deloitte. These interviews may involve discussions about the individual’s past experience, their motivations for rejoining Deloitte, and their future career goals.
  5. Decision and Offer: Based on the evaluation and assessment, Deloitte makes a decision regarding the rehire. If the candidate meets the criteria and demonstrates their suitability for the available positions, Deloitte may extend an offer for reemployment. The offer will typically outline the terms and conditions of the rehire, including compensation, benefits, and any other relevant details.

how to apply for Deloitte Rehire

To apply for Deloitte Rehire, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Deloitte Careers website and create an account.
  2. Search for open positions that you are interested in.
  3. When you find a position that you are interested in, click on the “Apply” button.
  4. On the application page, answer the questions and upload your resume.
  5. When you are finished, click on the “Submit” button.

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FAQs for Deloitte Rehire policy

Can we rejoin Deloitte after resignation ?

Yes, it is possible to rejoin Deloitte Tech after leaving the company. Deloitte recognizes the value of experienced professionals and provides opportunities for former employees to return.

How do I apply for rehire at Deloitte?

Go to the Deloitte Careers website and create an account.
Search for open positions that you are interested in.
When you find a position that you are interested in, click on the “Apply” button.
On the application page, answer the questions and upload your resume.
When you are finished, click on the “Submit” button.

what is Deloitte Rehire Policy

Deloitte has a rehire policy that allows former employees who left on good terms to be considered for open positions. The policy is designed to attract and retain talented employees who have a proven track record of success at Deloitte.


In conclusion, Deloitte’s rehire policy offers former employees a pathway to return to the organization. It recognizes the value of their experience and skills. The policy includes specific eligibility criteria and an application process that evaluates qualifications and alignment with available positions. Through interviews and assessments, Deloitte determines the suitability of rehires. Successful rehires can contribute to projects, client engagements, and strategic initiatives. Staying connected, enhancing skills, and tailoring applications increase the chances of a successful rehire. Rejoining Deloitte provides opportunities for personal and professional growth in a respected and dynamic organization.

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