Remove voot copyright claim

Voot copyright claim | How to Remove Invalid Voot Copyright Claim?

What is a Voot copyright claim?

Voot is a popular video streaming platform in India that offers a wide range of movies, TV shows, and original content. However, like other video sharing platforms, Voot is also subject to copyright claims. Copyright claims on Voot can be made by the copyright owner of the content or someone who believes that their content has been used without permission. These claims can sometimes be invalid or incorrect, which can cause inconvenience to the users. In this article, we will discuss how to remove invalid Voot copyright claims.

How do I know if a copyright claim on Voot is invalid?

If you believe that a copyright claim on Voot is invalid, you can check the following:

  • The claimed content is not yours or does not infringe any copyrighted material.
  • You have obtained permission to use the content or have a fair use case.
  • The claimant has no rights over the content or is falsely claiming ownership.

What can I do to avoid copyright claims on Voot?

To avoid copyright claims on Voot, you should:

  • Only upload content that you have the right to use or have obtained permission to use.
  • Use original content or content that is in the public domain.
  • Follow Voot’s guidelines and policies on copyright and intellectual property. |
  • Be proactive and try to resolve any issues before they escalate.
  • Keep accurate records of your content and any permissions or licenses you have obtained.
  • Stay informed about copyright law and fair use.
  • Be respectful and professional when communicating with claimants or Voot’s support team. | | Are there any alternatives to Voot that I can use to avoid copyright claims? | There are many alternative streaming platforms that you can use to avoid copyright claims, such as Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Twitch. However, these platforms may also have their own copyright policies and guidelines that you need to follow, so be sure to research and understand their terms of service before using them.
Remove voot copyright claim
Remove voot copyright claim

Reasons for Invalid Copyright Claims on Voot

There are several reasons why a copyright claim on Voot may be invalid. These include:

  1. Fair use: Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows the use of copyrighted material for certain purposes, such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. If the use of copyrighted material falls under fair use, it is not considered copyright infringement.
  2. Public domain: Public domain refers to works that are not protected by copyright and can be used freely by anyone. If the content used on Voot is in the public domain, it cannot be subject to copyright claims.
  3. Misidentification: Copyright owners may sometimes misidentify the content and claim copyright on something that is not their original work.

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 Steps to Remove Invalid Copyright Claims on Voot: 

If you receive a copyright claim on Voot that you believe is invalid, you can take the following steps to remove it:

  1. Review the Copyright Claim:

The first step is to review the copyright claim carefully. Make sure you understand the reason for the claim and the content that is being claimed. Check if the content falls under fair use or is in the public domain. If you believe the claim is invalid, you can proceed to file a counter notification.

  1. File a Counter Notification:

To file a counter notification, go to your Voot account and find the copyright claim notification. Click on the link provided to file a counter notification. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Your name, address, and phone number
  • The URL of the content that was removed
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that the content was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification
  • A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the court in which your address is located, or if your address is outside of India, any jurisdiction in which Voot may be found
  • A statement that you will accept service of process from the person who filed the copyright claim
  • Your electronic signature
  1. Wait for the Response from Voot

After you file the counter notification, Voot will forward it to the copyright owner who made the claim. The copyright owner then has 10 business days to respond. If the copyright owner does not respond, Voot will reinstate the content. If the copyright owner responds, they may choose to drop the claim or take legal action.

  1. Seek Legal Assistance:

If the copyright owner decides to take legal action, you may want to seek legal assistance. It is important to note that filing a counter notification is a legal process and can have serious consequences. If the copyright owner decides to take legal action, you may need to defend yourself in court. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek legal advice before filing a counter notification.

You can contact Voot through the following channels:

  1. Email:
  2. Contact Form: Visit the Voot Help Center at and click on “Contact Us” to fill out a contact form.
  3. Social Media: You can also reach out to Voot through their social media channels, such as Twitter or Facebook.
  4. Voot website:
  5. Voot Help Center:
  6. Voot on Twitter:
  7. Voot on Facebook:
  8. Voot on Instagram:


Copyright claims on Voot can be a headache for users who believe that the claim is invalid or incorrect. However, Voot has a process in place to address copyright claims, and users can file a counter notification if they believe the claim is invalid. It is important to review the claim carefully and understand the reason for it before filing a counter notification. If the copyright owner decides to take legal action, it is recommended that users seek legal assistance. Overall, it is important to respect the intellectual property rights of others and to use copyrighted material responsibly.

Can I upload content of Voot on YouTube?

Remove voot copyright claim

No, you cannot upload content from Voot to YouTube without obtaining proper permission or license from the copyright owner. Voot owns the rights to the content available on its platform and only allows users to access it for personal, non-commercial use. Uploading Voot content to YouTube without permission is considered copyright infringement, which is illegal and may result in legal action against you. It is important to respect the intellectual property rights of others and obtain appropriate permission or licenses before using their content.

Can I monetize my videos on Voot if I receive a copyright claim?

If you receive a copyright claim on Voot, your video may be temporarily removed while the claim is reviewed. Once the dispute is resolved, and the claim is determined to be invalid, you may be able to monetize your video again. However, if the claim is determined to be valid, you may be required to remove the content or seek permission to use it.

Can I use copyrighted material under fair use on Voot?

You may be able to use copyrighted material on Voot under fair use if you use the material for commentary, criticism, news reporting, education, scholarship, research or parody. However, fair use is a complex legal concept that can vary depending on the situation, so you should consult a legal professional or Voot's guidelines before using copyrighted material under fair use.

What is a copyright claim on Voot?

A copyright claim on Voot is a notice from the copyright owner that their content has been uploaded and shared on Voot without their permission. This claim allows the copyright owner to request that Voot remove the infringing content from their platform.

Should I delete voot copyright claim video?

Yes, it is recommended to remove the infringing content to avoid consequences such as a strike against your account.

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