What is the highest package in Intuit?

Intuit Salary for Freshers | Tips for Landing a Job at Intuit 2023

Intuit is a company that makes financial software products such as QuickBooks and TurboTax. They offer jobs for people just starting their careers, such as software engineers, product managers, designers, and data analysts. These jobs pay fairly well with a salary of around $95,000-$135,000 per year. They also offer nice benefits like healthcare and paid vacation. If you want to work for Intuit, it’s important to build your skills, network with people who work there, optimize your resume, and prepare well for interviews. Overall, if you’re interested in technology and want to work for a company that values creativity and innovation, Intuit could be a great place to start your career.

Intuit Salary for Fresher’s

Entry-level position at Intuit

Intuit offers various entry-level positions for fresher’s including Software Engineer, Product Manager, Designer and Data Analyst. The company is known for its culture of innovation and encourages its employees to take risks and push boundaries.

These are some of the beginner jobs you can get at Intuit and how much they pay.

  • Software Engineer– As a software engineer, your primary responsibility is to design and develop a software product based on customer needs. The average salary for a software engineer at Intuit is about $110,000 a year.
  • Product Manager – As a Product Manager, you will be responsible for creating and managing product roadmaps, work with cross-functional teams to ensure product success, and monitor market trends. The average salary for an Ego Product Manager at Intuit is about $135,000 annually.
  • Designer – As an ego designer, Roura is responsible for creating a compelling user interface and experience that delights young consumers. The average salary for an ego designer at Intuit is about $115,000 a year.
  • Data Analyst – Your primary responsibility as a data analyst is to collect, analyze and interpret data to inform business decisions. The average salary for an Intuit ego data analyst is about $95,000 a year.
  • It is important to mention here that this salary is only an average and may vary depending on various factors such as education, experience, location and skills.

Intuit offers a variety of benefits to its employees, including health care, dental and vision insurance, 401(k) matching and paid time off. The company offers an excellent work-life balance with flexible work arrangements and remote work options.

Tips for Landing a Job at Intuit

If you are a fresher looking to start your career at Intuit, here are some tips to help you land your dream job

Build Your Skills – Intuit is looking for candidates who are passionate about technology and have a strong desire to learn. To stand out from the competition, focus on building your skills and knowledge in areas relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Network – Networking is an essential part of any job search. Connect with people who work or used to work at Intuit to learn more about company culture and job opportunities. Attend career fairs and events to meet recruiters and hiring managers.

Customize your resume – Make sure your resume is appropriate for the job you’re applying for. Highlight your relevant skills and experience and use keywords that match the job description.

Prepare for the interview – Before the interview, research the company and the position you are applying for. Prepare answers to common interview questions and practice your responses with a friend or family member.

Intuit Interview Questions:-

Here are some sample interview questions that you may encounter during a coding interview at Intuit:

  1. What factors do you consider when reviewing code?
  2. Can you write code to determine if a string is a palindrome or not?
  3. Can you generate all possible permutations of a string, both using iterative and recursive methods?
  4. Write a code to check whether two strings are anagrams.
  5. How would you count the occurrences of a specific character in a given string?
  6. Why might a char array be preferred over a string for storing passwords?
  7. Can you write Java code to implement insertion sort?
  8. Given two strings A and B, can you find the list of ending indices of every substring of B that is a prefix of A?
  9. For two given arrays, A and B, can you determine the number of pairs for which GCD (a, b)! = 1, where a is a number in A and b is a number in B?

Intuit Interview Questions on Data Structures and Algorithms

  1. Can you write a program to find and list any repeated words in a sentence?
  2. Can you write a program that removes all items with a specific value from a linked list?
  3. Can you write a program to remove any repeated items from an array?
  4. What are divide and conquer algorithms? (This question is difficult to simplify further without changing its meaning.)
  5. Can you find the pair of numbers in a sorted array whose sum is closest to a given number N?
  6. Can you write a program that prints the reverse of an array?
  7. How would you reverse a string without changing the order of its words?
  8. Can you write a program that traverses a binary tree in spiral order?

Intuit Behavioral Interview Questions list-

  1. What experience or skills make you a good fit for this position at Intuit?
  2. Are you comfortable with learning new technology quickly?
  3. What would you do if you encountered a problem that you didn’t know how to solve?
  4. How would you handle a coworker who disagrees with your ideas?
  5. Can you describe how you set goals and manage your time effectively?
  6. How do you handle challenging situations?
  7. Can you share an example of a time when you convinced your team lead of your idea or approach?
  8. Have you ever been assigned a task that required you to work with technology you were unfamiliar with? How did you handle it?
  9. What would you do if you received criticism from a superior that you didn’t feel was deserved?
  10. How do you balance your work responsibilities with your personal life?

What is the basic salary of Intuit?

Intuit Salary for Freshers

Intuit's average salary varies from ₹3.8 Lakhs per year for a Software Quality Analyst to ₹100.5 Lakhs per year for a Group Development Manager. These estimates are based on 1.6k salaries from Intuit employees.

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