TCS Rehire Eligibility Query 2023

TCS Rehire Eligibility Query

TCS Rehire Eligibility Query 2023

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is one of the largest and most respected IT services companies in the world. The company has a reputation for providing excellent career opportunities for its employees, and for treating its workforce with fairness and respect. For this reason, many people who have resigned from TCS in the past may be interested in returning to the company at some point in the future.

The TCS rehire eligibility policy specifies the criteria that former employees must meet to be considered for rehiring. The policy applies to both full-time and part-time employees who have previously worked for TCS.

Eligibility Criteria for Rehire


Good Performance Record

The primary criterion for rehiring at TCS is the candidate’s performance record during their previous employment. TCS will consider rehiring employees who have a good track record of performance and have left the company in good standing.

Employees who have received positive feedback from their managers and have a history of meeting or exceeding their performance goals will be given preference when rehiring decisions are made.

Reason for Leaving

The reason for an employee’s departure from TCS is another factor that is considered when determining rehire eligibility. TCS will consider rehiring employees who left the company for reasons that were beyond their control, such as family emergencies or health issues.

Employees who left TCS due to personal reasons, such as pursuing higher education or starting their own business, will also be considered for rehiring.

However, employees who left TCS due to performance issues or misconduct may not be eligible for rehire.

Time Since Departure

TCS also considers the amount of time that has passed since an employee left the company when determining rehire eligibility. Typically, TCS will only consider rehiring employees who have been away from the company for a minimum of six months.

This waiting period allows TCS to assess the employee’s reasons for leaving and their performance record during their previous tenure. It also ensures that TCS has had sufficient time to fill any skill gaps that the employee may have previously filled.

Skill Set

TCS is a technology-driven company, and therefore, it places great importance on an employee’s skill set when considering rehire eligibility. TCS will only consider rehiring employees who have skills that are currently in demand or are aligned with the company’s business needs.

If an employee’s skills are outdated or no longer relevant, they may not be eligible for rehire. In such cases, TCS may suggest training or upskilling options to help the employee acquire the skills needed to meet the company’s current requirements.

Employee’s Willingness to Rejoin

Finally, TCS considers the employee’s willingness to rejoin the company when determining rehire eligibility. If an employee has expressed a desire to return to TCS and has taken steps to maintain a positive relationship with the company, such as keeping in touch with former colleagues or attending company events, they may be given preference during the rehiring process.

Rehiring process at TCS


Rehiring process at TCS

The rehiring process at TCS is simple and involves the following steps.

Application Submission

Ex-employees who meet the eligibility criteria for rehire can apply through the TCS Career Portal. The application must include up-to-date information on the employee’s skills, work experience, and reasons for leaving the company.

Resume Screening

Once the application is received, TCS’s HR team will examine the applicant’s resume to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for rehire. If the applicant meets the criteria, they will be invited for an interview.


During the interview, the applicant will be asked questions about previous experience at TCS, reasons for leaving, and current skills and qualifications The interview will also assess the applicant’s fit with TCS culture and values.

Background check

If the applicant is selected for rehire, TCS will conduct a background check to ensure that the applicant’s work history and credentials are accurate and verifiable.


Once the background check is completed, the applicant will be onboarded as a new employee at TCS. This includes completing any necessary paperwork and attending orientation training sessions.


TCS has a well-defined rehire eligibility policy that outlines the criteria former employees must meet to be considered for rehiring. The policy is designed to ensure that TCS rehires employees who have a good track record of performance and are aligned with the company’s business needs.

Overall, TCS’s rehire eligibility policy and process are part of the company’s commitment to valuing its employees and maintaining a positive relationship with them over the long term.


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