Former Google Employees Demand Payment for Pre-Approved Leave, While Current Employees Demand Better Layoff Handling 

Over 100 former Google employees who were on various types of leave at the time of their layoff have formed a group called 'Laid off on Leave.'

The group is demanding payment for their pre-approved leave from the company and has sent letters to Google executives, including CEO Sundar Pichai.

Despite their efforts, the group has not received any response from Google.

The letter lists five 'asks' related to freezing new hires during the layoff process. The letter also asks for the prioritizing of rehiring laid-off employees.

The group also wants co-workers in conflict or crisis countries to be protected.

The letter demands that Google respects scheduled leaves. The group is also calling for non-discriminatory effects based on various factors.

The open letter ends by urging Alphabet to adhere to its Code of Conduct. The group also reminds Google to not be evil

The situation highlights the importance of fair and ethical treatment of employees during layoffs and emphasizes the need for companies to respect their employees' rights and welfare.